Tommy Walker The Pursuit Of God: Songs For A Thirsty Soul
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Tommy Walker The Pursuit of God: Songs For A Thirsty Soul

"Many years ago I read The Pursuit Of God by A.W. Tozer for the first time, and I have been marked by this devotional classic ever since. It revealed to me the beauty and wonder of God in a new way while urging me to begin my never-ending journey in pursuit of Him! What I have done is written one song for each chapter, which is my musical and hopefully worshipful interpretation of what Tozer wrote. My hope and prayer is that these songs will create a longing in people's hearts to know God. Not just know about him from a distance, but to know Him on the most up-close and personal level!" -Tommy

Track List:

Disc 1:
Who Are You
Narration #1
Earnestly (We Want To Know)
Narration #2
Just You
Narration #3
Narration #4
Taste And See
Narration #5
You Are Hear
Narration #6
Speak To Me
Narration #7
I Fix My Eyes On You
Narration #8
Take Your Place
Narration #9
Create In Me (Prelude)
Create In Me
Narration #10
All About Your Glory
Disc 2:
Earnestly (We Want To Know)
Taste And See
Just You
You Are Here
Take Your Place
I Fix My Eyes On You
Speak To Me
Create In Me (Prelude)
Create In Me
All About Your Glory
Who You Are (Prelude)
Who You Are